Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Campaign Contributions

Campaign contributions are nothing more than bribes to get laws passed in favor of the highest bidder. That is why the people lose every time. We can’t compete with corporations. This is a great video on how campaign contributions are used.

“By limiting the influence of big money in politics,” said one of the senators, Tom Harkin, an Iowa Democrat, “elections can be more about the voters and their voices, not big money donors and their deep pockets. We need to have a campaign finance structure that limits the influence of the special interests and restores confidence in our democracy.”

The framers of our Constitution gave us a republic. They meant by that a “representative democracy.” Or as Federalist No. 52 put it, a Congress “dependent upon the People alone.”

Despite the founders’ intentions, Congress has evolved from a dependency “upon the people,” to an increasing dependency upon the funders. Members spend 30 percent to 70 percent of their time raising money to stay in Congress, or to get their party back in power. Less than 1 percent of Americans give more than $200 in a political campaign. No more than .05 percent give the maximum in any Congressional campaign. A career focused on the 1 percent — or, worse, the .05 percent — will never earn them the confidence of the 99 percent.

Campaign Contributions-on 60 Minutes

This is a great website:

Banking Regulations-here we go again

Most people don’t know what banking regulations are and why they are important. I am hoping that with a few suggestions for reading some clarity may come to the majority of the people in the country who aren’t even aware of the problem.

Here are 2 articles that explain banking regulations pretty well. Feel free to ask questions and start a discussion if the threat is still unclear.

History of Banking Regulatio

Banking Deregulation

Once you understand that there is a problem with banking regulation, please read this article on what Congress is doing-AGAIN!

Congress chooses to bail out banks and bail on the people

Banking Regulations-Tell your representatives how you will vote

Now that you are convinced that Congress is not representing you, contact your Representative and your Senator

and tell them that you will be voting for somebody the will.


Here we go AGAIN!

Banking Regulations-here we go again

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Social Media Links

Login to your favorite social media network and find out how Fort Lauderdale Web Network can provide you with an effective advertising network. You will find videos that explain what I do and many ads that explain this cutting edge technology. Don’t feel bad if you don’t understand how this works. You don’t have to. I set it up so it is easy as sending an email. If you have any questions, call Dennis at 954-763-2332.


Fort Lauderdale Web Network Social Media Links


I am also a 3D artist. Please take some time to check in to my animation network. If you have a project and a budget I would like to hear from you.

Fantasy Animation Social Media Links


We are in need of some changes in our government. The only way to be effective is to focus on the solution. I deserve a government that is trustworthy, dignified and just. Do you?

Awakening Reason Social Media Links


Face it, sometimes it is hard to get out of bed in the morning. Fort those days, Shining Spirit Meditation can help.

Shining Spirit Meditation Social Media Links


Get the best massage you have ever received. I have been getting Swedish Massage from Jeff for over 10 years. I hope I never have to look for another therapist. Getting a massage from Jeff is like floating on a cloud. He truly has gifted hands and is one of the nicest guys I know. Make an appointment by calling: 954/776-7333.

The Art of Massage Social Media Links


Social Media Links

Friday, November 1, 2013


Never before have Republicans in Congress been so determined to stop the execution of law. Many of their leaders have been seen on the news calling Obamacare ‘evil’ and ‘the worst thing since slavery’. Isn’t that a bit dramatic? Well that takes care of the religious right and the blacks. I guess they are not concerned with the educated majority because we know that they are full of crap.

Republicans will do anything necessary to eliminate Obamacare. They will lie, cheat and offend. Sounds like a typical day in Washington to me.

I would like to offer everyone a place to share their experience with the campaign against Obamacare. Share them with us. We need to know. Her are a few of mine:

  • Republicans don’t want Obamacare because it reduces the CEO salary from %40 to %20. I personally will not be happy until it is less than 1%.

  • Republicans don’t want Obamacare to be successful simply because that cannot tolerate the success of a black man in the Oval Office.

  • Republicans don’t want Obamacare because it will pave the way to the White House for Hillary Clinton.

  • Republicans don’t want Obamacare because if will empower the people that they are trying to oppress.

Please add your own.

Read the Washington Post

Read the Huffington Post


Obamacare-good for the people-bad for Republicans


Monday, October 14, 2013

Government Taken Hostage

The is one thing that must be made absolutely clear. What is happening today is not about a disagreement between opposing political parties. It is not about our leaders standing up do defend our interests. It is not because the Republicans think Obamacare will fail.

The government has been taken hostage because the Obamacare is a successful solution to the healthcare challenges we face. In other words it will define the presidency.

The Republicans are terrified that Obamacare will revolutionize healthcare and give a large number of people the empowerment they need to stand up and be heard in 2014. Their transparent efforts compare it to slavery and call it evil. Their outspoken platform against it is unprecedented. Why are they so upset about a relatively small budgetary accommodation? It would only take a small dent out of our over inflated military budget-a large part of which goes into the pockets of many Republicans and their constituents as profits of the defense industry.

Obamacare will make the president a hero. It is a major step towards the empowerment of the poor and middle class. This movement is the anthem of Awakening Reason

Government Taken Hostage

The agenda is clear. The Republicans will hold the American People hostage until December, when the President will have no choice but to concede due to the imminent collapse of what little economic stability that we now have. I hope for a better solution.

Please speak up. The implications of this absolute abomination to democracy are great. Start writing to your Congressmen-especially if they are Republican. Step up or we may soon be stepped on.

Government taken hostage

Government taken hostage

Government Taken Hostage

Monday, September 30, 2013

A new Congress

Tomorrow the government could shut down. We need a new Congress. It is about time we realize that changes must be made in order for use to get back on track and continue on as a prosperous society. We must eliminate the parasites of the world and empower the people. We must start with the most powerful threat to our well being. That would be Congress.

We all must come to terms with the fact that most of our Congressmen must be replaced with people who want to serve rather than take advantage of their position to promote personal wealth. We must look at the track records of the people we are voting for. If they have been voting to reduce human rights, supporting corporate welfare (over $100 billion last year, that we know of), or refusing to raise taxes on the 1%, we cannot reelect them.

Please help elect a new congress. Please vote wisely. Our future depends on it.

USA Today

a new Congress

We need a new Congress

A new Congress

Thursday, September 26, 2013